Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Friday, May 11, 2007

#150 As Seen Through the Windshield #3

Posting number 150 should be special and this one is. We arrived in Portland. It is great to spend time with Shannon, Kevin and their three pets-Chloe, Simon and Josie. (cat, cat, dog)

This is a photo of our Portland destination and I am currently enjoying some quiet jazz with a glass of Biringer Pinot Gris at close reach, but not too close to the computer.

Let me go back to this morning in Twin Falls, Idaho. When we came into town we crossed the bridge over the Snake River Canyon of which there are a couple of photos below. We decided that after breakfast and getting gas in the van we would stop at the Visitors Information Center and get some photos of the Canyon. Peter was quite correct, it seemed as though I was in a rut. What is a guy to do when all of the terrain looks pretty much the same. I decided to do something about that today. So, Peter, enjoy these next few photos. I will get back to the boring stuff again. I promised Maryann not to take any photos while driving, consequently, I missed some really great shots.

The plaque describes the importance of Ira Burton Perrine, an early settler of Twin Falls. I hope you can enlarge the photo and read the plaque.

Looking West into the Snake River Canyon. There is a golf course down there. See the photos below.

It must be a hummer to play. Look at the water hazards.

The bridge is quite an impressive sight. We even got to walk under it so that I could get the pictures from the side with the best light.

After I took the previous picture I just turned to my left and took this one above. progress has come to Twin Falls.

I thought you might like to get a closer look at the rock formations and some of the flora.

What is a visitor information site without an explanation of the area?

I spared you more of the rolling plains of Idaho, but thought you might to see how we were welcomed into Oregon. I almost missed it. I was looking for a sign along the road. Thank goodness the camera was on and ready.

There are still many snow covered peaks in Oregon/this part of the country.

What a pleasant change from all of the rolling hills of the plains. Peter, these shots are for you.

If you haven't tried Tillamook cheeses you are missing something. Sorry, Peter and onandon, you probably can't get them in your part of the world. I bet you have some that are equal in quality and taste. Perhaps we shall plan a trip down your way some day.

More mountains that have trees. They do quite a lot of lumber business up this way.

Here we are coming down off of the mountains on the way to Pendleton.

More of the view of the broad plains and farmland.

We stopped for lunch in Pendleton and I just had to get this photo. Pendleton is known for the woolen mills. They make some very fine woolen clothing.

If you are interested in tracing our route you can go to google maps and get the directions from Lansing,KS, to Portland, OR. Should you decide to do so be sure to click on the satellite or hybrid button and zoom in. It will give you an interesting view of our journey.

There will be more as we wend our way North on Sunday. I hope you are enjoying the journey as much as we are.



Karen said...

Love all the pics and your narration!

Hale McKay said...

That bridge pic: Interesting perspective that the bridge is parallel to the horizon.

Bird said...

you've got me hankerin' after a road trip,jack!

Jack K. said...

Thanks to you all.

We are having a great time.

Hale, some days you get lucky with photos. The bridge photo was taken at the last moment, hand held, and through the windshield. I believe our speed was somewhere between 65 & 80 MPH.

Bird, road trips can be fun. It all depends upon your traveling companion and what awaits you at your destination(s).

Peter said...

And I thank you for the look at where you have been and are now Jack, some beautiful scenery.