Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Monday, March 19, 2007

#119 Where are all of the men?

The daughter of a friend had a discussion with her mother about this very topic. Her mother had some very wise words. Ultimately the advice was be patient and observant. There are a few men who may just be worthy of you. At least that was my take on the advice and I wholeheartedly support it.

It has caused me to give some thought to the question. My three daughters have had the good fortune to meet men who are good guys. They are men I am proud to know. They were not the first men the "girls" were involved with and I believe their relationships will last for a very long time.

But, back to the question. The young lady was concerned that all of the men she met would be whining about the sad turns of events in their lives and were not really paying any attention to a young woman who would be willing to share some time with them.

Here are some thoughts that might shed some light on the location of the men.
  • They are all around you.
  • Many are so self-centered that they don't realize they are not as much of a prized catch as they think.
  • Many are too afraid to acknowledge their feeling side.
  • Many are too concerned about presenting a macho image.
  • Many are too concerned about what other men will think about them.
  • Many are too preoccupied with their own frailties to listen to what women want.
  • Most of us are not adept at reading minds and divining what a woman wants.
  • Most of us, to quote Jeff Foxworthy, only want a beer and to see something nekkid.
  • Most of us prefer a direct approach to life. Tell us what you want, don't make us guess.
  • Most of us don't understand the value of serving others, caring about those we serve, much less sharing the love in our hearts.
  • Most of us have an idealized vision of the perfect woman, and like the perfect man, they don't exist.
So where are all the men? Just like all the women, they are all around. How do you determine which is the one you want to spend some time with? Trust your gut instincts. Ask the universe for someone to cross your path with whom you are reasonably compatible and be observant. Don't jump at the first one who comes along. Rejoice when there is one who is worth spending more time with. And above all else, communicate what you want. Don't accept less.

So there you have it. Just one man's view. Remember, I do live in the center of our country in a very small community and I do not have all of the answers. I do like to think that I do.

Thank you for taking time to get this far. Should you care to leave a comment it would be appreciated. I am sure the young lady in question will find your comments of value. I know that I will.



Little Lamb said...

That's a very good way of looking at it. It's hard when you don't find the right one, or they don't find you right away.

I believe the right one will show up eventually if it was meant to be.

Hale McKay said...

Sometimes the right one can be right in front of you.

An unexpected event can place you face to face with the right one.

Like you said, "the right one is all around."

Karen said...

"Here are some thoughts that might shed some light on the location of the men."

... and, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. :+)

Jack K. said...

glad to know you are all on the team, but Mars and Venus? I wonder? lol

Karen said...

tee, hee, jack!

i *Googled* it! {grin}

Bird said...

men are to be found in elevators. tons of 'em. every day - where i work. it's ridiculous.

not sure which men are straight, which are gay. which are single and which are attached. and can't quite ask 'em such questions as we ride up the elevator. i certainly do say hello and make small talk. they do too.

another mr. right is probably right under my nose. probably that grey-haired fellow with the cute smile, deep voice, cut biceps and just a smidgen of a pot belly slouching over his belt (and i should add, one grey and one black sock - yes i noticed) who gets on at floor 2 and departs at floor 4.

but how can one ask on an elevator where one works?


Jack K. said...

bird, I didn't think you noticed. I don't always wear one grey and one black sock. The strangest thing is that I have another pair just like that in my sock drawer.

My hair only has grey highlights. I suppose I should get the exercise going between floors, but then I would miss seeing you.

Next time just ask me, or follow me to my office.


good luck, tern

flap, flap, swoosh. tee hee giggle giggle.

Anonymous said...

I shall get her to read this Jack.
Thank you!

Jack K. said...

Anon, you are welcome.