Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

#118 If Tiffani calls....

I don't know her and she does not know me, no matter what she says.

This morning, while checking my gmail account, I noticed Tiffani's email in the spam inbox. The first line stated that she got my name on the seeking a partner web site. My first response was ROTFLMAO. As usual, I dumped the spam and it is gone forever, or I would copy it and paste it here. (Hale, I would not use scissors and Elmer's glue. giggle) Then I thought, I better confess to Maryann that should Tiffani try to get in touch with her, that I did not now, nor never know a Tiffani. Particularly one who spelled her name with an i.

Should any of you be contacted by Tiffani, please tell her to LEAVE ME ALONE. I am a very happily married man, and intend to stay that way.

Thank you for your support.



Bird said...

regardless of spelling, tiffany, tiffani, tiffanie - the name is suspect right off the bat.

should any tiffani/ie/y contact me, i'll level her with a fighting tern screech and if need be, peck her eyes out.

always want to support a fellow blogger.

you can count on me!

Polly said...

If I ever meet, hear from, get mail from anyone called "Tiffani" I shall tell her to leave you alone.

How on earth did she get your address. I give permission to Maryann to do whatever she wants with Tiffani and anyone else like that! Hehehe

Jack K. said...

Thank you for your support. tee hee.

shannon said...

wait, you OPENNED the email?!? From someone you DON'T konw?!?! Did you or did you not tell me to NEVER open an email from someone you don't know?!?!

Jack K. said...

Shannon, relax. In gmail I can read some of the message in the inbox. I was able to read that much of Tiffani's.

Thank you for the concern about the computer.

tee hee giggle giggle snerx

Love ya,


Karen said...


remember once a long time ago, when this young woman (teenager) kept calling our house and asking for Eric, (my husband's name) in a very sexy voice. needless to say, i was getting just a little annoyed until finally one day, instead of saying "no", i asked her who she was and why she wanted to speak to my husband.

well, apparently she was calling an *Eric* but not my *Eric*... seems she had the wrong number, at least that's what she said.

it's a mystery to this day.

btw, jack...

jack who!?! {grin}

Jack K. said...

Karen, I'll never tell, because I know nothing.

