Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Monday, February 26, 2007

#105 The Truth You Speak - The Messiah's Handbook

The truth you speak has no past and no future.
It is, and that's all it needs to be.

I am not sure why this particular card showed up when I endeavored to randomly select some inspirational words. Perhaps a mental journey will lead me to the truth. The least thing to do is to see what questions come to mind.
  • How do I know when I speak the truth?
  • Is every word I utter the truth?
  • Is today's truth tomorrow's untruth?
  • Is truth subjective?
  • Does one have to declare a statement as the truth?
  • If one does, does that make it so?
I am tempted to let these questions ruminate for a couple of days. Perhaps I will get some inspiration from your comments, and that's the truth. I do recognize this as an expedient manner in which to evade the answers. So I will let this go for the time being and see what develops. I reserve the right to come back and revise this at any time, or not.

Thanks to Richard Bach, Illusions, Delacorte Press, 1977.



rkfinnell said...

Truth can be subjective. What's true for one is not always true for another. You can tell the truth 100% of the time, but should you?

I see we are neighbors, although it has been some time since I lasted visited Lansing and no I was not there as a guest of the state. HA!

Jack K. said...

Thanks for visiting this site. Perhaps you will back this way. It is certainly growing and that's the truth

I am not a guest of the state either, but the warden is a neighbor. And that's the truth.


Christina said...

very thought provoking questions. I believe truth can be subjective - everyone sees things a little differently and consequently there are lots of gray areas. Deliberate deception or lies for personal gain or to take advantage of someone else is never acceptable in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

"Your whole point of view of your whole reality is based on what you believe you are, but what you believe about yourself is just a concept. It is knowledge, but knowledge does not mean it is the truth. Knowledge only means it is what you know." Don Miguel Ruiz

Who holds the truth? NOBODY! It is only what the people who came before us told us and the people before them and do they know? Absolutely NOT.

Karen said...

"The truth you speak has no past and no future.
It is, and that's all it needs to be."

Wow, never thought of it that way.

Jack K. said...

If you liked this one watch for more.