Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

#533 Winter is here.

The official date on the calendar for the change from autumn to winter isn't scheduled for another couple of weeks. But, you couldn't tell it by looking at the snow that is falling. OK, it isn't much yet. Who knows how much will have fallen by the time this is posted?

Tuesday morning began with a slight amount of rain falling. The wind had switched around from the North. Around noon the rain turned to light snow. There is a light dusting as I write this on Tuesday afternoon. There is some indication that more this afternoon and evening. However, tomorrow, Wednesday, the day this is posted, there will be sunshine with no precipitation.

This year my brother will come to visit for the Christmas holiday. He is a hero. He lived with our mother and put up with her unique way of dealing with the world. He will be here on the 17th. I am eager to have him visit. I believe he needs to get away from the house for a little while. I am sure we will have a great time. Perhaps a posting or two will be in the offing. Who knows, there may even be some photos. I know he will be bringing a CD with photos of his paintings. There is a strong possibility that some of them may be posted.

So, dear friends, keep warm and dry. Put a lot of love in your lives. And, above all else...

Serve with integrity, care about those you serve and share the love in your heart/soul.



Christina said...

So glad it doesn't snow here....

have a great visit with your brother and a merry Christmas!

Skunkfeathers said...

We got our second dose of snow Monday night/Tuesday, with more on the horizon. 'Tis the season!

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Jack!

bronxbt said...

give your brother our best wishes, and you take some for you and 'da wife as well..

happy holidays, dear friend.

stay warm

Merle said...

Hi Jack ~~ Great Christmas trees in your last post. I hope you and your brother have a great time together.
It will be good for you both.
Thank you so much for your comments and I am glad you enjoy the jokes. It is hard to find new ones, but some are funny enough to read again.
Take care, and have a wonderful time
with your brother. Regards, Merle.

The Real Mother Hen said...

Brrrrr it's cold here! But I'm glad that it's snowing and stuff, a warm December is just too eerie for me.