Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

#491 Did Hazel Send Them?

This morning, after break fast I looked out the window and saw the cat sprawled on the table. It wasn't until I got the camera that I saw the other cat. It was over near the hot tub. By the time I got around the house it had moved onto one of the chairs. I tried to take some photos through the window, but the white blinds are reflected on the inside of the window.

We thought that Hazel might have suggested they come by to remind us that she is still with us. That happens every time a cat crosses our path. Hazel was with us longer than any of the cats that graced our presence. The only thing I can say at this point is, "Thanks, Hazel. You are still in our hearts."



shannon said...

i'm sure she did send them. how's mom doing?

love you both...


Jack K. said...

Mom's doing fine. Cats do seem to remind us of Hazel. It is a nice thing.