Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Friday, August 08, 2008

#473 Day 11 Le Pont Neuf et Villandry

(This is an attempt to circumvent whatever challenge blogspot has put in my path.)

Several years ago, 4 or 5 probably, we visited the gardens at Villandry. We were quite impressed with them. When planning our trip this year our friends decided to surprise with another visit to the gardens. The real surprise was the B&B we were to spend the night. It was the same one we visited on the previous trip to the Loire Valley.

For some reason the gardens did not seem as magical as they did on our first visit. How quickly our minds embellish some of our memories. With that in mind, I can look at these photos and be suitably impressed all over again. I hope you will be too.


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