Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

#388 El Paso Update – Day Three

The visit has been very busy and tiring. As I mentioned in the last posting, my mother, Jane, had fallen and broken her shoulder. At her age she is not very steady on her feet. With her left arm out of commission. Consequently, she needs additional help to get around, even going to the bathroom.

For years she has changed her internal time clock by staying awake at night, sleeping by day and napping at night. While she cannot see very well she keeps her bedroom TV on all night. Because her sight is impaired she cannot always find the volume button and the sound may get very loud.

Both Monday and Tuesday nights I had the night shift to help mom. Every 1.5 to 2 hours she would call and I would wake up and heed the call. Tonight my brother is on call.

Monday afternoon she kept an appointment with her regular doctor to have a follow-up blood test. Her white cell and platelet counts were very high. This led to an appointment with an oncologist.

Tuesday she had a follow-up appointment to see the orthopedist about her shoulder. Upon arrival at the clinic we learned that the appointment had not been made so we had to turn around and go home. We will have to phone the orthopedic clinic to determine what happened and get another appointment if needed. We think it is.

Today we kept the appointment with the oncologist. The doctor was extremely helpful. He was somewhat concerned with the platelet count. It was 10 times the normal count, and could lead to clotting. This could lead to a stroke. Due to her age we made the decision to do nothing. I was brought very close to tears as mom was answering some of the doctor’s questions. It was obvious that some dementia is present. I was reminded of my late mother-in-law’s dementia condition. It was a very sad moment.

Tomorrow we will have to discover how my brother can get some outside help. We don’t think mom will ever regain any form of stable mobility. The future is going to be interesting to say the least.

More to follow. Please remember to…
Serve others, care about those you serve and share the love in your heart.



bronxbt said...

sending you all my strength, my lurve and positive thoughts, dear jack...

take care

thanks for keeping us informed as always. we appreciate and are humbled by being allowed into your world.


Hale McKay said...


Working with the elderly for the past ten years or so, I have seen too often the problems and heartache that dementia can bring about.

My son-in-law and daughter are going through the same thing right now with his grandmother.

Getting outside help, I assume you mean hospice workers, is a good idea.

I pray for you and your family.

Skunkfeathers said...

Best wishes to you and yours, Jack. Tough time, I know. Last time I had to face it personally was a year and a half ago, under circumstances that will never be entirely cleared up.

Hang in there.

Karen said...

♥Prayer vibes your way, Jack♥

The Phosgene Kid said...

Very sad. I always felt as though my parents would be with me forever and even now when they are gone get the urge to call them. My thoughts will be with you today.