Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

#336 THE GOLDEN YEARS (giggle)

Some days you just have to consider something that is funny. Today is that day, unless this hits a little to close to home. Make it a great day.



Peter said...

Those are a lot closer than "a little close to the truth" Jack, THEY NAILED IT.

Skunkfeathers said...

While I haven't yet put toothpaste (or eventually Polygrip) on my razor, I have this anecdote as proof that I have 'arrived':

When my oldest niece was 10, she jumped to Uncle Skunk's defense when my older sister was baiting me about my first gray hairs, with this gem: "But Mom, his gray hairs make him look extinguished!"

Took Sis five minutes to recover from that 'un, and made me determine not to give up that 'extinguished' look.

This past Thanksgiving -- my niece is now 32 -- she took a good look at my hair (now about 3/4s white)and said, "Dang, you look OLD! Color your hair!".

It still took my hair coloring sister (and other family members) about five minutes to recover from that 'un...

bronxbt said...

good heavens you make me smile.
sorry ive been so durned busy lately and not had time to write..

thanks for that..

sparringK9 said...

my eyes went this year. so now i have "readers".
just stopped by to wish you a merry christmas!