Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Friday, November 16, 2007

#317 To be or not to be.

That is a choice. That may well be the ultimate choice. In my weird, wonderful, wacky world, it is the ultimate choice. I have written a little bit about choice here. However, it is not the last I will write on the subject. Anything I write/say about the topic is my own biased view of existence. That view has been garnered over more years than I am sometimes willing to admit or believe. Needless to say, I have been influenced by many books.

A treasured blogging friend and I have a running discussion about this topic. One of her latest comments on the topic can be found here. One of the reasons I treasure her and her comments is because she feels the pain of those who can be categorized as less fortunate. Our differences come from the place where we start our positions. As I understand it, her position is that she will be here once and that is all there is. I can respect that. I both agree with her and disagree with her. I will never be here as Jack K. again, but I will continue to return until I have completed all of the lessons I have determined I need to learn.

So we have each chosen a way of viewing the world that is different from the other. From my perspective it is our choice to do so. It may very well make it easier to say that the poor are poor due to their choices. That may even make it easier to accept no responsibility for their plight. I may even choose to do things that will thwart their efforts to improve their lot. Hopefully I don't bring harm to others. Whatever, it is a choice I make, just as you make similar choices.

From my perspective, I have chosen a path for me. As I look at those who are close to me and see the choices they have made, I have come to the conclusion that such choices were made to help them learn or not learn some lesson.

It is difficult to accept the terrible things that befall folks and then state that it comes as a result of choices they made. If you look at it solely from the perspective of this life only, then it ican be very difficult. However, if you look at it from a much greater perspective, then it may be easier to realize that, perhaps, we all will live through similar situations on our quest to perfection.

These are just some thoughts from a person who has no "corner" on the market of knowing all. They are just some thoughts that make some sense to me. I suspect I will have to revisit this topic more in the future. Thank you for your patience. Please continue to...

serve others, care about others, and share the love in your heart.

PS: Apologies to the Bard of Avon.


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