Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

#139 Saturday night and I'm back in ....

Manhattan again. It is another great weekend. The students are great and we are having a good time. Right now I'm sitting in the lobby because I can't get a wireless internet connection in my room. It happens to be on the top floor at the farthest point from the wireless server. I can get a connection in the hall, but there is no electrical olutlet in the hall near my room.

The fun part of being in the lobby is meeting other folks. I almost had someone bring me a Black Russian. Who knows, the evening is still early and one might show up unannounced.

I talked with Maryann earlier and learned that our friends from France have arrived. I really look forward to seeing them when I get home tomorrow.

Last week one of the student's learned that her son has injured himself playing baseball. He needed ten stitches on his knee. Needless to say I sent her home immediately. She was back this week to report that the lad is doing well and would be playing again this weekend. During the week I learned that she took and passsed the home study test. It is an open book test that has to be passed at the 90% level. She got a !00% on the National portion and missed only one question on the State portion. That is som
e kind of record. And even with that she came back this weekend to make sure she would be ready for the real tests that are necessary for her to get her real estate license.

My interaction with the class is always exhilirating. What a joyous time for me to be able to have some small influence on the lives of such wonderful folks. I feel so energized when I am teaching. Since I have watched The Secret twice and read The Law of Attraction, my life has gotten even better. If you haven't seen the DVD or read the book, I commend them to you. Perhaps I will post more about them in the future. For now I will just be glad that they have crossed my path. I hve found the many of the books that have influenced me and my writings, "Things I Have Stumbled Across Along the Way", helped me to realize that I had stumbled across the secret and didn't know it.

It is time to call it a day and post this. Perhaps I will repair to the bar for a Black Russian. Or not.



Karen said...

Not really on your subject but had to report that we finally had great weather and hubby spring cleaned garage today.

Also spent yesterday and today raking up pine cones and winter debris in time for (lo and behold)...

~drum beat~

...lawn service will be coming for season's first visit this Tuesday!


bronxbt said...

about all i can say about manhatten is that i have found NO places capable of making a decent Kamikazee straight up..

so. that's enough for me to run screaming into the hills...