Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Friday, March 30, 2007

#123 What day is it?

My watch and the calendar tell me it is Friday, March 30, 2007. I am hard pressed to believe it. My eyes burn from fatigue. My heart is full of sadness and joy. Rest will come. Perhaps tonight I will sleep better.

We left Kansas last Wednesday around 1445 hours. This was supposed to be the weekend we would spend in Huntsville, TX with some long time Army friends. We had packed suitcases to accommodate the weather in Texas and, if required, Pennsylvania. I even packed my golf clubs so we could play a few rounds in TX.

Around 1240 hours on Wednesday, Maryann got the call that Margaret had finished her mission and had transitioned to her next assignment. That call was one we were dreading but expecting. We immediately let our daughters know and they began planning their respective trips to PA. One was coming from Portland, OR, and the other from Venice, CA.

After making the necessary changes to our previous arrangements for care of Hazel, we headed out. We drove as far as Effingham, IL the first night. By 2030 hours on Thursday we were in Schnecksville, PA. Our daughters were there at their cousins home where would all spend time.

The value and utility of cell phones is amazing. While traveling on Thursday we were able to make the requisite plans for the funeral, the funeral luncheon, make an appointment to visit with the attorney, inform our accountant, talk with my friend at KAR to let them know, and learn that our girls were on the way even after one of them having trouble booking a flight back to Portland. It seems that the end of Spring break took up all of the seats from Philadelphia to Portland for three whole days. The daughter in Venice was able to get tickets for both of them back to LA. So the youngest will spend the night with her sister and travel back to Portland on Monday.

So what did we do on Friday? Not too much. Let's see. Pastor Karen came by at 0730 to gather information for the funeral service. That was a wonderfully sad and joyous time. We all reminisced about how Margaret had impacted our lives. We remembered as many of the things she did that influenced us all. Tears flowed, some more freely than others, but flowed nonetheless. (Oh, did I mention, that on Thursday, Maryann was making notes about such things in preparation for the meeting with the Pastor? Well, she did, and it was very helpful. Thursday evening we all took turns on the computer composing our favorite memories about Margaret.) After the Pastor left we then went down to the nursing facility where Margaret had been living for the past few years to collect her things. There were four boxes of things that had to be gone through. You probably understand the drill-give away, keep, donate, and throw away.

Then came lunch. After lunch it was off to the attorney's office to go over the documentation to begin probate. That took about an hour. After that we went to the funeral parlor, and the day got more difficult. It was the first opportunity to view Margaret's body. There were more tears shed. The dress she was wearing was the same she wore at our youngest daughters wedding. That made it even more special and poignant. Our youngest daughter, with help from the rest of us, put together a very nice collage of photographs taken over the years. The display was a beautiful reminder of the life of a very special woman.

It is almost 2100 hours this Friday evening, and after posting this message I will be off to bed. Perhaps tonight I will get some rest.

Now back to the original comment about sadness and joy. bird your comment to the last posting was spot on in my reality. We are saddened by our loss, but joyfully remember a woman who was not bowed by the adversities of life.
I am proud to have been her son-in-law. (And, yes, there are tears in my eyes.)

May you all....

Server others, care about those you serve, and share the love in your heart. Margaret did, and I love her for that too.



Serena said...

I'm very sorry about your loss, Jack. From what I've read here about her, Margaret was a wonderful woman. Best wishes to you and your family during this difficult time.

Polly said...

May thoughts and soft memories surround you in the coming days.

My thoughts fly to you both.
May your sorrow be assuaged with feelings of love.

Bird said...

just a quick fly-by jack...

i offer you a wing

and a prayer.(i think margaret has her own and needs nothing more from this world).


bronxbt said...

jack, you know in your heart all the joy and wonder that Margaret shared with her loved ones and others...

jes continue to take your own medecine of "Serve others...," and you will continue to do her proud.

now, go be with your family.
laugh, play, share, cry and more.
it's bound to be the best thing you all can do for yourselves.


Jack K. said...

Thank you all for your very kind words and love.

I will be back home in a couple of days. Then I will prepare to go to El Paso to spend a week with my mother and brother.

I will try to keep up with my postings.

With friends like you, how could I not?