Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

#116 Is a positive outlook...

the precursor to or result of action?
  • Does a positive outlook mean one is nothing more than Pollyanna incarnate?
  • Does having a positive outlook mean that nothing bad/evil/nasty/hurtful will never happen to you?
These are just a few of the questions I have been pondering. There a friends who would suggest very strongly the answer to these questions is a resounding YES! For them, that is OK. That is their choice. I would not want them to adopt my view of the world. Each of us must make up our own minds.

For me, ... well, let me answer the questions and maybe my position will be a bit clearer. This exercise will help me get it clearer in my own mind.

Precursor to or result of action? That's a no-brainer, yes.

If there is any credibility to the idea of The Law of Attraction, then the response above is correct. I draw to (attract) me that which I spend time contemplating. If I dwell wanting things then they will be attracted to me. So my thoughts will bring people/ideas/things to me. I will feel more positive as a result of those influences in my life. If I want positive results, then I operate from a positive perspective. See how easy that one was to answer?

Pollyanna incarnate? Another no-brainer, it depends.

That may be possible. If one does not examine one's life one could be operating like everything is OK when it is obviously not. The things happening to us are drawn to each of us as a result of our view of the world and our desires. It may be easy for some to think everything is OK when it obviously isn't. However, if you stub your toe, it hurts like hell. At the moment there isn't much happiness. The secret might be to keep the positive thoughts and emotions as part of your daily life. That is sure to draw more of the same. When you do "stub your toe", acknowledge the pain, treat the injury and get on with life. It probably is a good idea to not dwell on the negative things, particularly when you have no control over them. I sure as hell don't like the idea of war. I agree with Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and John Lennon, about giving peace a chance. I used to think there was such a thing as a just war, but war is war. People get killed and maimed. War on anything will only bring more war.

...bad/evil/nasty/hurtful? Another no-brainer, maybe.
Part of the answer to this question can be found in the response above. The pain is there. That leads to at least two more questions. How did it get there? and What will I do about it? It got there because I attracted it. After repairing whatever damage has been done, then I need to get into a more positive thought pattern.

See how easy it is to come up with a response if you just give a little thought to the question and check out your own visceral/emotional response.

Now, should you buy/agree with any of this? Only if you want to do so. That choice is yours. It has been working for me for more years than 20 years, I just didn't have the words to describe it all.

If you want more information about it you might check out the book or DVD "The SECRET". You can also read "The Law of Attraction", by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Both are sources that will provide additional information. It will be easy to be skeptical about all of this, if you so choose.

So, as I am wont to say on occasion, Knock yourself out. Or, continue to.....

Serve others, care about those you serve, and share the love in your heart.



Serena said...

I try to keep a positive attitude. In fact, sometimes I'm so eaten up with positive that I'm not even ABLE to worry about anything. That's when I know it's time for a reality check. LOL. I do know that bad things are going to happen, regardless. I think they're part of the balance. You can't have good without evil.

Karen said...

"Does having a positive outlook mean that nothing bad/evil/nasty/hurtful will never happen to you?"

No, but it's easier to deal with when you have a *glass half full* attitude.

Jack K. said...

SJ, aah, the old yin/yang approach. I agree that one does help define the other. But let us think about what it might be like without the evil.

Karen, It is even easier if the glass is "half full" of either a great wine or a Black Russian. Have you tried Alice White, cabernet shiraz yet? It is very inexpensive, and tastes great.