Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

#94 Learning, Doing and Teaching - The Messiah's Handbook






I have been influenced by Richard Bach to begin a series of comments based upon some writings by Bach.

It must have been Christmas 1977, we were celebrating the season with my in-laws in Pennsylvania. It was Christmas day. The girls were opening/enjoying their gifts. We were also celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary of Clarence and Margaret. There was a family dinner planned. Penn State was playing Arizona State in some bowl game. (Maryann is a PSU alum and I am an ASU alum.) With all of this excitement about me I was able to read Illusions from cover to cover.

Within this book was another book that has had a huge impact on my life: The Messiah's Handbook-Reminders for the Advanced Soul. While it is all fiction, there are parts of it that ring true to me in my own separate reality. I will begin to share some of my insights in this forum. The title to this postings is an example of that handbook.

The following is part of an exchange of ideas depicting the results of choices some folks have made. A dear friend made the following comments in an email:

Love reading your blogs.
How do you stay so nice all the time.
Will you ever show your;
1 temper
2 frustration
3 disgust
4 impatience
5 disappointment
6 despair

My response was this: staying nice all the time, it took many, many years to get to this space in my life. Now the lie to that statement is, I do feel/show temper, frustration, disgust, impatience, and disappointment. Frequently. I just temper it in my writings. I have never felt despair. To me, that suggests giving up. However, I have never been in a place where that might be expected. Or, I never realized I was in such a situation. I hope you do not find yourself in such a situation.

The response I received follows:

Of course I have felt despair. I don't see it as a 'giving up' so much as a sense of being 'overwhelmed' by the situation. A sense of 'out of control' or of a 'still deep sadness'.

I am learning that all feelings and sensations can be bourne through 'going with the flow' without having to necessarily fight against it or even 'do' something about it. I have noticed a lot of things happen negatively in life when people decide to 'act' when they could/should be still and wait for a while to see what ways it can be dealt with. I find 50% of the time if you do nothing it kind of resolves other words things seem to move on, through and past the situation. In other words not forcing the situation that may just need a bit of healing time.

It occurred to me at that time we were learning, doing
and teaching. Each of us have our own separate reality, our way of viewing our world. I am glad this person provided additional information. I found that it coincided with many of my beliefs. It is a rather sad situation when we fret about those things over which we have no power. It is exactly those times when we would be better served to realize that. And, it is exactly those times when we are least likely to remember that.

So to my email friend, thank you for sharing your view. Rest assured your message came through loud and clear. For that, I am forever in your debt.

My intent at the moment is to review my copy of The Messiah's Handbook and share those bits of information with you. If you haven't read them you can find copies at your local library. (Maybe) Or, you can go to your favorite on-line bookstore to acquire it.



Anonymous said...

Personally, I could never live my life as a flat line... always in the same manner... NICE :-)

I do go through many emotions.. I could say that sometimes it's too much and they become overwhelming...

Moreover, I could never give up and let things resolve themselves.. I'm too much of a fighter for that.. doesn't always turn out the way I would like but I can't help being an open book..

You'll know when I'm happy, you'll know when I'm sad..and yeah.. you'll also know when I'm pissed... ;-)

But the good thing is that I can apologize when I'm wrong... ;-)

Jack K. said...

Your comments are prima facie evidence of the premise of this posting. You are learning, doing and teaching.

Thank you for your contribution.

Keep up the good works.

Polly said...

So how did you read the book with all the excitement going on around you? I want to learn how to do that!!!

Thanks for furthering the lesson.

Polly said...

Oh and...
being still is living 'flat'?

It reminds me of being in the ocean. No matter how hard you try to keep still, the tide, waves, wash and movement of all around you bobs yuou up and down, pulls you under, splashes into your face, turns you around. However if you are caught in a dangerous rip the best thing to do is to conserve energy, float for a while and try to move calmly to the SIDE of the rip. You can even call for help if there are those you trust near by.

Just a thought. Save your energy for when you will really need to fight and struggle against the tide of life.

Jack K. said...

Peaches, that is where the doing part of this posting comes into play.

After having read Jonathon Livingston Seagull by the same author, I asked Maryann to insure that Illusions was under the tree for me. I was very motivated to read it.

It was a time when I became aware of the need for a spiritual journey. I was reading lots of things, including four of a series of books by Carlos Castaneda. Castaneda is the one who gave me the term separate realities. It was the title of one of the four books.

The journey of/for spiritual enlightenment/fulfillment is a constant one. It is probably a good idea to pay more attention to the journey than the final goal.

The lessons are learned, done and taught along the way.

By learning, doing and teaching you will....
serve others, care about those you serve and share the love in your heart.

Anonymous said...


"Save your energy for when you will really need to fight and struggle against the tide of life."

Can I quote you? This is truly a good one for me to remember. I do have a difficult time with that one. I seem to always be in combat mode... I do need to try and remember that one..thank you. ;-)