With a little bit of luck our neighbor will come across the street and clear it off for us. I did help them remove the sleety ice from their driveway yesterday.
Update: Same day, 12:40 PM
George, the neighbor with the snow blower called after I posted the above information. There have been occasions when he calls us by mistake. Apparently his boss's phone number is very close to ours. (Two numbers reversed.) After identifying myself, I asked if he wanted to talk to me or his boss. This time it was me he wanted. He then asked if I wanted a blow job. Needless to say, I laughed long and loud. (You thought I might have said long and hard, didn't you? 'fess up now, it did cross your mind.) I told him that would be acceptable. He said he would upon completing a job for his boss.
We are now ready to receive our dinner guests (George and Gale) this evening. I did go over to his house to help him get most of the ice off of his driveway. After all what are friends for? Did I mention that George is also a retired Army officer?
oi vey. after seeing your pics, it makes me glad we cancelled our newspaper and now get our info off the websites...
stay warm....
This is great stuff for we who live in the sub tropics... we don't experience anything like this so it is good info.
What great neighbours you have that just trot over to help out like that. But you being such a good neighbour yourself you are reaping what you sow.
I love the blow job.
I didn't know such things existed.
Red and cute and shoots out the side like that.
Your place looks like a postcard.
Keep warm and happy doonas from this side of the world where there are fires and floods a'ragin'.
Winter here means putting a sweater over your short sleeved shirt Jack, don't think I'd take kindly to that white stuff.
great pics jack.
but brrrrr...
i was in tahoe a week or so ago (seems like a decade ago) and there was snow - but not as much as what you've got.
but it was awfully pretty.
didn't see anyone doing blow jobs though.
normally i require a dinner and a movie at LEAST before i accept a blow job.. jeez. talk about standards... too bad it's too dark by then to clear the driveway.
regarding my SNAP tool on my site jack... it's supposed to only do the pop up on the weblinks on the right side... but i've already received 2 emails from folks liking it on the IMAGES as well, since apparently many folks have issues with viewing the JPEGS... soo, meh! we'll see.
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