In an effort to maintain some semblance of normalcy we agreed to enter into a Secret Santa gift swap. I was working as a Narcotic Staff Officer in the Provost Marshal’s office at MACV Headquarters in Saigon. There were about ten of us assigned to the office and that included Vietnamese clerical folks.
It was a nice way to celebrate the season and our friends and compatriots. For the life of me, I cannot remember whose name I got or what I purchased for that person. I do know what someone got for me.
It is a simple hand carved statuette made in Thailand. I have no idea who thought that I would like such a gift. For that very reason, I treasure it. If memory serves me right, we had a very low dollar limit on such gifts, so it was the thought that counted. That, along with the simple beauty of the statuette and the season have added to its meaning for me.
By the way, the LOVE stitchery behind the statuette was made by Maryann. This display is on the dresser across from the foot of our bed. What a great sight to see upon awakening each morning. How peaceful and loving.
May this posting bring love and peace to you, too.
perhaps the person who had your name knew you had a wife and children (J & A) back home and wanted to give you something that you could think of them when you missed them?
i have always loved it, though...
I also love those free form sculptures Jack.
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