Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.
What else can you say after spending eight days on Oahu, Hawaii?
This photo was taken at Sunset Beach on the North Shore of Oahu. The surfers were getting ready for the upcoming surfing competition. The weather was beautiful. Temps were in the 80's during the day and only down to the low 70's at night.
The day we left, Tuesday, we spent the day sight seeing at the Waikiki Aquarium. They have a wonderful display of a wide variety of marine life.
Our return to Lansing was quite a change. There is a winter storm warning in effect. Temps will go down to 19 overnight and only up to the mid to high 20's. Yes, that is sleet and snow you see on our front walk.
I will post some other photos of the scenery in Hawaii on a future post.
BTW, I was not MIA. lol
4 comments: were mia from the blogosphere, but in a far, far better place.
hawaii is one of my favorite places. i'm looking forward to your pics.
welcome home.
welcome back. yesh, wifee and i liked the aquariam too! didjoo by chance hit the zoo? that was really quite impressive in our opinion.
same situation here. 13 degrees, colder than hell, no one here knows how to drive in snow, we're expecting another storm this evening, so we'll see what hapens next...
hope you and yer wifee are good.
you've been missed.
Welcome home after you were MIA.
hawaii, lucky you!!
welcome back!!
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