Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

#505 Day One In Augusta, GA

We arrived in Augusta around noon. We went directly to Fort Gordon to make some purchases at the Post Exchange and then looked for the two houses where we lived.

The next order of business was to find a place to eat. While stationed at Fort Gordon way back when, about thirty-plus years ago, we began a little ritual. Upon making major purchase we would stop at a small bar/restaurant and have a beer. It was a place that I had frequented prior to Maryann and me getting married. It seemed appropriate to celebrate by having a beer and doing it in the friendly confines of Squeaky's Tip Top.

I forgot the address, but a few months ago I had used google maps to find the area where I thought it was. With that in mind we set off to find the place. It was right where I remembered it. Judging from the photos you can see that it was a little bit rattier than we remembered. And, as the sign says, it was closed.

Rats! We then went back to Daniel Village, a local shopping center that had changed considerably over the years. We decided to eat at the Village Deli. It was a good choice. It was worth the trip. We asked the waitress, Dawn about Squeaky's. She said it had been closed for almost 10 years, maybe more. Gene, one of the young men who worked at the Deli had been trying to buy the place, but the owner wants too much money given the present condition of the place.

What might have been a disaster turned into a fun time. We talked with Dawn and Gene. The Swiss-mushroom burgers were fantastic. The beer was cold and the atmosphere was pure Southern hospitality.

btw, we were able to find all of the old places we lived. Two on post and two off post. They were all in good shape. We had asked Dawn and Gene for directions to Ridge Road. They asked one of the other workers who told us and then went to the back and made a very excellent strip map. We used it as back up for "Maggie" our talented, tried and true GPS system.

This is the house on Ridge Road.



bronxbt said...

your maggie should meet my thomas sometime. they'd likely get along jes' fine.

sounds like you're having a good time as always on your trip.

and good to see you've still got some time found to share with us!

take care, my friend

Christina said...

seems to be a good trip so far...