Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

#320 The Day Before Thanksgiving.

Thank you all for being here. I hope that as you go through the day, and the rest of your life, that you will focus on the many things for which to be thankful.

I have discovered that my life becomes more enriched each time I utter those two very important words- Thank You. Just this morning I received an email from the author of The Secret extolling the virtues of those two words. The missive is much too long to post here. However, here is one excerpt that conveys what I have discovered.

Two words which will change your life!

There are two words that, when spoken, have the most unfathomable power to completely change your life. Two words which, when they pass your lips, will be the cause of bringing absolute joy and happiness to you. Two words that will create miracles in your life. Two words that will wipe out negativity. Two words that will bring you abundance in all things. Two words which, when uttered and sincerely felt, will summon all the forces and vibrations in the Universe to move all things for you.

The only thing standing between you, happiness, and the life of your dreams, are two words...


This is my wish for you and my gratitude for your dropping by. Whether you choose to comment or not, I thank you for your time.



Little Lamb said...

I hope that you and yours have a very happy Thanksgiving.

Karen said...

Happy turkey day, Jack!