Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

#243 Avoid Responsibility - The Messiah's Handbook

The best way to avoid responsibility is to say,
"I've got responsibilities."

This was the next card in the deck, and for the life of me I am at a loss for words. (Those who know me, realize that is unusual.)

"I've got responsibilities", I can't possibly do anything else right now.

"I've got responsibilities", my plate is full.

"I've got responsibilities", can't you get someone else to do this.

"I've got responsibilities", I'd like to help, but I am swamped.

"I've got responsibilities", you should try it sometime. It will add character.

"I've got responsibilities", and bills to pay.

"I've got responsibilities", someone has to post to this journal. If not me, who?

"I've got responsibilities", what is your life like?

"I've got responsibilities", it must be time for ....

"I've got responsibilities",.......

Thanks to Richard Bach, Illusions, Delacorte Press, 1977.


1 comment:

Little Lamb said...

It's not my job and we're not going to make it my job or my responsibility. That's your job and your responsibility and I don't want it! I won't take it!