Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Monday, May 07, 2007

#146 Another 7 cm of rain

We turned out the lights and settled in for a peaceful nights sleep last night. Within about 10 minutes we were deluged with 5 minute hail storm. Fortunately the hailstones were very small and no damage was incurred. It rained throughout the night and most of the morning. Upon checking the rain gauge I discovered we had more last night than the night before--almost 2.75 inches (7cm). I am NOT complaining. We need the rain.

The folks out in Greensburg would have gladly settled for just that much rain and nothing more. My heart, prayers and Reiki energy goes out to them. Like many folks who come from the Midwest, they will persevere and rebuild. As in other natural disasters, the folks in this area are already chipping in and going to those places that are collecting contributions for the folks in Greensburg. I am pleased to see that Sam's club is sponsoring such a drive. I only wish there were such a store nearby.

[If your interested in determing our proximity to Greensburg, go to Google maps to get the directions from Lansing, KS to Greensburg, KS. It isn't as far away as I orignally thought. Just push the get directions button and type in the names of the two sites.

In the meantime, look around you to determine how you can.....

Serve others, care about those you serve and share the love in your heart.


1 comment:

Karen said...

OIC... you're almost on the border between Kansas and Missouri, where Greensburg is a lot further west of you.

Have a safe trip and I'll be looking for your posts along the way.