Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

#73 It may time for words from me....

or not, but here goes.

The muse has eluded me for a couple of weeks, hence, the plethora of copied emails. (I didn't want to be considered MIA again.)

The muse does visit at the oddest times--in the middle of the night, while driving, away from the house and computer, etc. With an attention/remembering span that is not what I think it used to be, I don't remember the nifty ideas that have come to me.

Winter has finally come for a short visit. I am not complaing for I have nothing to complain about. It is just cold. The birds have found sanctuary on and around our patio.

Cardinals are beautiful birds, particularly when posing against a white background. The are almost as beautiful as terns in flight.



Hale McKay said...

Cardinals are nice to see. They are rare around here - except for a pair that return every winter to our back yard. They stay for about two weeks before moving on.

Jack, thanks for the comments and encouragement in my attempts at fiction, especially the last one.
....I do want to let you know that one paragraph has been added - one loose thread that should have been there - although the story is not affected.
....It is the one paragraph added after "Milton" has killed Herbie. It briefly explains his involvement - and I think it accounts for any possible loose ends.

bronxbt said...

jack... due to my damned car accident at 16, and consequently almost complete absence of childhood memories, i dunno where i lived back when i used to see cardinals on a regular basis... dunno if it was texas, missouri or rhode island.. but one of those places had a plethora of the lil' beauties...

love 'em. nice pics my friend and glad yer liking the "SLIDE" web application. me likey.


Bird said...

the cardinal was my high school's mascot.

say - how did you post the slide show?

pictures are also compliments of the muse!

Jack K. said...

Hale, you are welcome. I do enjoy your stories. I think of your writing as tight. That means you keep on point and don't leave loose ends. It is a pleasure, for me, to read such writing. That is why I visit the posts that I do.

bronxbt, I'm sorry to hear that you have misplaced that ability to recall certain aspects of your past. I can only come up with excuses, not reasons.

As for, the jury is still out. I don't understand it, but the only way I could get bloggger to accept the slide show was to post the stills. I kept getting an error message whenever I tried to post just the slide show. I have sent that information to I probably won't get a response for a few days.

bird, good to hear from you. I learned about from bronxbt here. If you are interested in the slide show just use the links below the show. They do have easy to follow instructions. You can only select one of your photos at a time. I don't know if there is a limit to the number you can upload at one time. I suspect you should limit it to a few due to the time factor. I did five. I think it takes just about as long to upload to slide as it does to blogger.

You will discover has quite a few format options. Good luck.

Karen said...

Lots of cardinals here, in fact, as with bird's, our school mascot is the cardinals.