Serve with integrity. Care about those you serve. Share the love in your heart & soul.

Friday, November 03, 2006

#12 If you can't tell jokes......


You would think a man as intelligent as a US Senator is supposed to be would understand that. But that is not the real problem. The real problem is the effect that has had on the powers that want to retain control of a state that is becoming more divisive daily. In a New York Times editorial in yesterdays edition the divisiveness becomes paifully obvious. The sad part is that the very folks who should be trying to bring us together are working diligently for just the opposite. On top of that, they are blaming their opponents for said division.

Somewhere around 0415 hours this morning, I roused out of a sound sleep thinking of Walt Kelly's cartoon character, Pogo. It was a favorite of mine. About 40 years ago, Kelly had Pogo state these immortal words. "We have met the enemy, and it is us." Based upon the hoorah and hype about the strident differences between the ultra-conservative Christian faithful and the
ultra-conservative Islamic faithful, I would suggest a modification of that phrase--"We have met the enemy, and we are one."

Take away the freedoms we in the West so love and have become used to, nay, come to rely on, and what have you? Could it be a fascist dictatorship? A not so benevolent Kingdom? (Masculine gender intended.) A place where the rights of others apply only to a certain few, true-believers? If you aren't with me you are against me?

It is just too easy to fall into the them or us trap. However, how do you get a bully's attention? How do you maintain a loving view of the world when there are those who would do all in their power to destroy it?

At one time I swore an oath to "defend and protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic". I meant it then and I would swear to it again today. But rethinking Pogo's statement, I wonder who the enemies are today? Can terrorists also be hiding in expensive suits and hold high office? Perhaps not. Am I any less patriotic, if I believe that the way to fight terrorists is to take away their power base, the poor and disenfranchised? I think not.

Just a few questions, and damned few answers.

Remember to.....

serve others, care about those you serve, and share the love in your heart.



Karen said...

it's come to this:

Christian faithful = Christian Taliban

at least that's what bush has turned it into. The Divider editorial from the NYT was *spot on*.

it's depressing to think we have a prez who spews hate to rally the faithful. but the worse part is people believe him! it does look like the tide is shifting direction. we'll know on Tuesday.

Polly said...

This is a well thought out post, Jack. Reckon you are on the right track here. Can you get the pollies to see how it all works??Please??

Jack K. said...

I only wish I could. Actually some of them do. We just have to elect them.

get out and vote on Tuesday!