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Monday, September 01, 2014

Influential Books

1 Jonathon Livingston Seagull ---- Bach, Richard
2 Illusions ---- Bach, Richard
3 Frogs into Princes ---- Bandler, Richard & John Grinder
4 Reiki Energy Medicine ---- Barnett, Libby & Maggie Chambers
5 TheDaVinci Code ---- Brown, Dan
6 NOW, Discover Your Strengths ---- Buckingham, Marcus & Clifton, Donald 
7 They Lived Happily Ever After ---- Cameron-Bandler, Leslie
8 The Tipping Point ---- Gladwell, Malcom
9 Blink ---- Gladwell, Malcom
10 TRANCE-formations ---- Grinder, John & Richard Bandler
11 Hawayo Takata Story, The ---- Haberly, Helen
12 The Law of Attraction ---- Hicks, Esther & Jerry
13 Center of the Cyclone ---- Lilly, John
14 Dyadic Cyclone, The ---- Lilly, John & Antonietta Lilly
15 Complete Reiki Handbook, The ---- Lubeck, Walter
16 Sacred Contracts ---- Myss, Caroline
17 Anatomy of the Spirit ---- Myss, Caroline 
18 Celestine Prophecy, The ---- Redfield, James
19 Tenth Insight, The ---- Redfield, James
20 Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide, The ---- Redfield, James & Adrienne, Carol
21 Spirit Guides ---- Samuels & Bennett
22 Be Well ---- Samuels & Bennett
23 Tao Te Ching ---- Tsu, Lao
24 The Book: On the taboo against  knowing who you are ---- Watts, Alan
25 Natural Mind, The ---- Weil, Andrew
26 Messages from Michael ---- Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
27 More Messages from Michael ---- Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
28 Michael's People ---- Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
29 Michael for the Millenium ---- Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
30 Autobiography of a Yogi ---- Yogananda, Paramahansa

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